The styrene which accumulates in the human body may result in: damage to the nervous system, depression, sleep disorders, parkinson’s disease, and in certain cases cancer. The styrene material in cups dissolves and mixes with the drink and thereby becomes hazardous to the drinker.The higher the temperature of the drink, the higher the rate of styrene migration from cup to drink. The highest rate of styrene migration is in cups of hot tea with lemon.
Scientific research reveals that in 100% of the cases of persons drinking from polystyrene cups, a high and even dangerous level of styrene was found in their bodies. The damage is accumulative and it increases as use of polystyrene cups increases.
Un-recyclable polystyrene cups when burned damage the earth’s ozone layer. Polystyrene cups cause an increase in waste, and an inability of re-cycling other waste materials as a result of their being mixed with paper in trash cans.
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